Revitalize and Energize with this Super Healthy Eating Regimen

There comes a point in your life when you really have to look at yourself with honesty and understanding. For me this moment occurred on the morning when I could no longer fit into any of my clothes. The oversized sweatpants had finally become undersized and the seams were nearly pulling apart. This was the "Aha!" moment that I needed to begin taking real steps to improve myself.

I knew that I had to lose weight and that meant adopting a healthy eating regimen. The thought of giving up sugar, sodas, sweets, fried foods and other goodies nearly overcame my desire to get in shape. Luckily I discovered some easy dieting tips that helped boost my motivation and pushed me to succeed.

Just 15-30 minutes of regular daily exercise and sensible foods is all you need. I incorporated fresh fruit and raw veggies into every meal-breakfast, lunch and dinner. I started choosing small portions of lean protein into my meal plan and devoted 20 minutes to each daily meal. No more rushed lunches and eating on the go. These are such "no-brainers" to help kick a weight loss diet into a higher gear.

One secret that I discovered was the healthy benefits of eating apples. By adding an apple to each meal I was able to increase my body's natural fat-burning capability. A splash of fresh citrus juice in a glass of water proved to be a low-calorie thirst quencher.

Now it's time for you to discover the same healthy diet and exercise routine that helped me melt away that unwanted fat. The foods that I combined for each meal made it so simple to make these changes. I never got hungry and never experienced those annoying food cravings. As I lost pounds and inches I became happier and more energetic with each passing day. Who knew that smart food choices could change more than just my appearance. My healthy eating habits and exercise routines boosted my energy level, revved up my metabolism and transformed my attitude all at the same time. 


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